Sunday, January 24, 2016

Marie Forleo May Be 'Right On the Money' -- Regarding Her Money Maxims and Money Rituals

Marie Forleo chose to, proudly pick-up a penny from the ground. "Honest Abe", being on the 'honest penny' -- and the 'honest penny', being "honest money" that Marie, proudly does not resist, (according to her explanation in the video, below). After-all -- you do know what was said, about "a penny saved..." -- and, being receptive to "honest money", is a good habit, for training your brain for abundance; that is also, a part of what Marie explains, in her video.

She also talks about how she keeps her money "tight and right" -- that entails, not crumbling her money, and keeping it well-organized, (which, really shows the money respect -- "Money is like you and me. It's attracted to respect and appreciation." (and that saying, noted in the video, is quite an inspiring tip to remember and apply when the goal that we are trying to achieve, is a good relationship with money, and a goal, that is about attracting money and creating abundance.

Marie (also) asks her viewers, about some of their money rituals.

In regards to Marie Forleo's money sayings and money rituals... Would you say, that she is 'right on the money' also?

What are your thoughts about respecting and appreciating money?

Can you also see, that (metaphorically-speaking), money has 'dignity' too; and it appreciates to be treated well, in order for 'it' to treat others well (in-turn)?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Perspective About Clean Closets -- Priorities -- and a Better Focus for Advancement and Creating Abundance

Organizing your life, from the closet (outwards) -- may be an effective start, towards manifestation and turning a messy-life, into a beautifully-rich dream-come-true. How so? Well... as Drew canole explains (in not so many words) in the video below -- 'a messy closet, may very much (indeed), a reflection of a messy mind.' And... 'if your environment is messy.. your mind, may be also.'

So... (in my perspective) -- If you really want to get focused and gain some clarity to move forward with making your dreams come true -- clarity, comes from order; and order, is relayed to function. So, therefore -- if you start with your organizing and cleaning your closet, you may create a more functional storage space, which can inspire you, to apply that same type of focus (thru prioritizing) other parts of your home, which may not only effect positively, the way in which you function in your home, but, also, that same prioritized organization, could also be applied and advance things in the other parts of your life, because, that type of prioritizing, may lead you towards manifesting what you really want in life, and what you would like to achieve -- because, the clarity that comes from uncluttering your closet -- is the same clarity, that is needed to focus on the other parts of your life. And... Where is a better place to start? 'The closet' is a practical place. Would you not agree?

Drew, also gives some ways to manifest positively, by way of gratitude. And... he points out that being mindful towards changing a negative attitude that we might have, about what we expect 'life owes us' -- can positively effect the abundance in our lives.

Friday, January 1, 2016

A Perspective About Appreciating and Acknowledging the Goodness in Life

This video (below) may enlighten, because, it shows a few, but, very good reasons to be thankful; while, it can very-well inspire -- because, it is a reminder of the very good reasons, that many of us have, to be thankful.

Acknowledging and giving thanks to the people and things that we appreciate, may be very-key in attracting more of those appreciated people  -- and the things that we appreciate in our lives, not only, because the act of appreciating helps to make everyone involved feel good -- but, also, because those positive vibes that we send-out, may create a reciprocal energy, that can become more positive, by the positive attention that (basically) can expand, because of, how the laws of attraction work.

Some of us may feel, that (our) lives are unfair; because of significant and justifiable reasons -- or, miniscule and petty reasons. We may hear others complain, and we may think to ourselves: 'Really? If he or she, was in my shoes...' However -- Everything is relative (of coarse). And, there are probably so many people out there, who could only imagine, even getting to wear a pair of shoes; let alone, have a closet-ful of those type of simple needs, that so many of us, may take for granted.

And... the bottom-line, is this (of coarse): If we cherish, acknowlege, and appreciate, the goodness in our lives -- we may very-well, get to appreciate even-more of that positive goodness, because of, the laws of attraction, and our own positive attitude that can help in attracting what we want more of, while, keeping things in-perspective, by really realizing, that most of us, have an extremely large amount of positive blessings in our lives, to be thankful for.

What are your thoughts or experiences, regarding, being thankful and appreciating life's goodness?